
The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
Christopher Johnson McCandless


"...even HAVING needs, in fact, is a sign of weakness or failure, a sign of imperfection in a world that expects nothing less than perfection. Acknowledging that you need to work on something is acknowledging a failure, and that can be hard to do." (Alice D. Domar)


"Mindfulness allows you to learn to live in the here and now, rather than the past or future...

...Take a few breaths and center yourself. Notice what's going on around you. Use all your senses. By doing so, you begin to build a habit of appreciating what's going on in the present moment."

(Excerpts from Be Happy Without Being Perfect: Alice D. Domar, Ph. D)

If words could make it real
I'd tell you how I feel
Instead I'm waiting here on my knees love
I know how it feels to breathe
With you beside me
I think about it always...

"The Great Adventure"

It's funny how my perception of everything I have focused so hard to believe about life and signs and meaning can be flipped upside down in an instant. So due to 20+inches of snow hitting NYC on the day I was supposed to be leaving on my "great adventure" I was snowed out of my lovely East Coast paradise. Instantly I feel apart completely. (Was this an appropriate probably not) However it was very revealing to me in many ways.

Firstly, it proved to myself how much I really actually do want to be in NYC...this trip was supposed to determine the amount of liking I actually had for the Big Apple. Well after pouring myself into preparation for this trip (planning, mapping, researching, etc...) I realized that mentally I spent 3 months experiencing NYC without actually being there and I can say without a doubt that I will most definitely be happy there, when the right time comes to go. Who knew you could learn so much about life experience and travel from the comfort of your own home? 

Secondly, I realized I was going about this all the wrong way. If you have at all been reading this'll notice that it was pretty much birthed to express my overflow thoughts that went into planning and executing a 5 day solo self-discovering adventure. Well I thought that it would culminate in some great self-awakening firework celebration realization on this trip. NYC was my "final destination" for my self-discovery exploration. But now that I think about it, I learned so much, SO MUCH, about myself without actually going anywhere. Perhaps that was the meaning behind this the whole time.

Thirdly, it offered a chance for me to experience true and honest disappointment. Ironically enough, I had just been saying two nights previous to the trip that I had never had a "surprise disappointment." Well let me say, I couldn't have stuck my feet farther in my mouth (down my throat really)...oops. NEVER make statements like that...EVER. Anyways, here I absolute emotional heartbroken wreck over my first real life, honest to God, feet kicked out from under me, disappointment. It only took 23 years for it to happen. It revealed to me that I need to gain some better coping skills for when life doesn't go my way. (Crying and reverting back to my bad habits are not a proper way to handle things). Perspective is key...and it's one thing to say you have a healthy perspective when things are going exactly the way you want them to go, and a completely different thing to be able to maintain perspective when things disappoint you. I clearly did not have the proper perspective on things as I thought...

Well, being the newbie at this whole "experiencing disappointment" feeling, I spent the next 24 hours wallowing in self-pity and making bad decisions. I've always been one to see the world in black and white. The fact that there is a "reason for everything" is hard for me to swallow, especially in light of this being (what I thought was) a dream killing blizzard...shattering all the importance that I had continuously been building on the "great adventure." I can be a real whiner sometimes...the amount of self-pity I can muster at certain times is embarrassing. 

The point is, I think I need some self-adjustment in that area. I've been talking about integrity and trust and day to day living...well I think the test (i was referring to in the last entry) was not actually surviving being alone but rather dealing with life when it doesn't go my way. Let me tell you...NOT AN EASY LESSON. But I have digested it, and I now see the holes in all my theories. In good times or bad times, things that you can control and things you cant, surprises and goes on. Life does not care about your family, job, money, life experiences, hopes and just happens. It happens to everyone everywhere no matter what their unique individual situation may be. Weather happens. Disappointment happens. 

Learning to deal with myself and learn about myself, and improve myself, I have found, is much much much much different when I am not controlling the events surrounding my existence, when things aren't going my way. Putting yourself first does not necessarily mean being selfish and self-centered, but instead means that you are taking the time to assess and accept and appreciate the GOOD and BAD parts of yourself and celebrating the things you like and dealing with the things that you dislike (in a HEALTHY way). Oh I have so much to learn about self-improvement still...but I'd like to look at this as a positive thing...learning is good, it's exciting. 

I realize that this is probably the first of many many many more disappointments to come. Just as I am going to survive this, I will survive whatever is ahead. Life throws curve balls and that's what day to day living is. I think I know this's not making it through one day just so you can see the next. Rather, it's appreciating each day...ONE AT A TIME. I didn't realize this concept before, as I thought day to day living was another way of saying take things step by step...but now I believe it's having a sense of mindfulness about the moment you are in. I suppose you can't fully appreciate the future without having a healthy grasp on the present. This is a lesson that will be hard for me to learn and take lots time, but I believe this relates to brave living. Tackling the realms of self-improvement that is most difficult as well as accepting yourself when you make mistakes along the way. 

Aaaaannnnddddd that brings me back full circle to the core of my pondering: happiness. 

Additional lessons I have learned from this whole "disappointment experience," my self-perceptions are severely off. I have a very unhealthy set of expectations for myself I never even realized, where I have previously categorized myself as being a slight obsessive control freak, recent readings have lead me to believe I am actually suffering from being a perfectionist. According to the textbook Perfectionism: Theory, Research, and Treatment, the definition of NEUROTIC PERFECTIONISM is...a tendency to strive for excessively high standards and is motivated by fears of failure and concern about disappointing others. Characterized as:

  1. expecting people and situations to have no flaws or faults
  2. getting "stuck" on tasks
  3. having perfection-orientated automatic thoughts
  4. having a hyper awareness of imperfection
  5. feeling shame and guilt
  6. making mountains out of molehills
  7. setting rigid standards
  8. expecting the impossible
  9. making all or nothing judgments
  10. overstating what's at stake
  11. overreacting
Sound a bit familiar? Well I found it to be a very accurate description of myself. A little depressing, but mostly fascinating, as I have never felt so accurately described by anything before. Which leads me back to happiness (sorry went on a little tangent there). The question I've posed before relates to finding that ultimate happiness. Well after knowing this about myself, I may have the answer. (DISCLAIMER: this may be different for everyone. I am only speaking for myself) 

I think I have not been able to find my happiness because I don't know how to accept myself in failures. Not to say I myself am a failure, but I realize part of the problem has been that I can only focus on the failures, which gets in the way of celebrating the successes. And I know I have a much longer list of successes then failures/disappointments. The key here is to not overgeneralize, keep a healthy perspective, and live "day to day" (Mindfully) through the good times and the bad times. It's about having realistic expectations as well as not demanding perfection, because if my happiness is based on things being perfect (which I think it was) then I won't ever be happy. 

Well...that's my summary of what I learned on my "great adventure." It didn't happen how I thought it would, where I thought it would, but maybe this is the "perfect" scenario of what was supposed to happen. Much more learning ahead in this upcoming year...lots to think about going into the New Year and big decisions ahead....Hopefully I'll be able to weather the storm better (literally)...and To New York City...I missed you this week. I'll see you soon!



"So far as I know we did not set sail to look for things useful but to seek honor and adventure. And here is as great an adventure as ever I heard of, and here, if we turn back, no tittle impeachment of all our honors."

On Christmas Eve, many years ago I lay quietly in my bed. I did not rustle the sheets. I breathed slowly and silently. I was listening for a sound I was afraid I’d never hear...

Sometimes seeing is believing. And sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can’t see.


Well, it's Christmas Eve already and a whole year has flown past so quickly. It's amazing how that happens in the blink of an eye months have come and gone and you realize you are standing the wake of a year full of decision making, growing, learning, experiencing. I always thought that Christmas was a magical time, probably because it's the first time I fell in love, but mainly, everyone is in this giving spirit and there is a lot of holiday cheer and family and friends reuniting. People with people, and there is nothing sweeter in life then being with people that you love, people that challenge you and people that remind you of who you are. This Christmas admittedly has crept up on me, as I have been buried in a massive pile of thoughts and new experiences. Started my search in August for life's great meaning and for my purpose and my happiness, and now it's culminated in a clash of events that have shed real light on what it means to be happy, and what it means to live life. On top of a chain of events that have pointed me in the direction I'm facing now, I realize that you have to be careful what you ask the universe for, because every now and then you get very real answers and are faced with having to truly deal with them in a really real way.

Anyways, the point is, I've dipped my toe in the pool of selfishness during this season of giving and taken a few moments lately to really prioritize myself as the most important person...and I have to admit some guilt when I say not only has it been wonderful, but there was no surviving life lately in any other way. It's interesting to really look at myself now and look at how much I've changed since last year around this time. Not only in my relationships, my actions, my habits...but my experience, the way I perceive the world, the way I communicate with other people, the integrity I carry...the attitude I have when I wake up in the morning, the way I see my life, my goals, my hopes and dreams, my deepest longings. I've fallen prey to some pretty extreme introspection and have dug deep to figure out a tentative plan for my upcoming life. I have learned a ton about trust, and following my instinct, and leaps of faith. It's been intense and it's been a journey. I know it's not is a process...constantly shifting. However, I am taking a quick breather over these next few days to really let everything catch up and regroup. Its amazing how tense and stressed I've been without even realizing...I can literally feel it taking a toll on my body. Sometimes the mind can be brutal.
So upcoming days...Well today is the lovely Christmas Eve. What used to be my favorite day of the whole year. Followed by Christmas, a time of giving and receiving and relaxing and appreciating. Then we have a day of preparation...then the NYC trip has FINALLY arrived...flying out on the 27th at 10:00am to spend a lovely and excruciating 5 days alone in the BIG APPLE. This is a big deal for so many reason. Firstly, it's pushing me way out of my comfort's chance to prove all my learning has benefited me in a real way that I can handle being with myself removed from any sort of familiar context. Secondly, its a chance to really digest life as it has been and experience some new and (hopefully) life changing things in the last few days of 2010. Finally, it's a chance to seal the deal with the NYC move. To really experience the city in a full mind-blowing capacity will be very telling of upcoming MAJOR decisions I need to make about my life. I see this trip as a chance to relax and learn and recharge and grow. Hopefully it does all these things. Keeping an open mind and an adventurous spirit is essential to maximize this opportunity. 

I guess that's about it for now...I'm sure I'll be blogging again before the New Year, probably from NYC. I hope life is lovely for everyone until then. Merry Christmas. I hope the holidays are magical and life changing for you...

The lamp is burnin' low upon my table top
The snow is softly fallin'
The air is still within the silence of my room
I hear your voice softly callin'

If I could only have you near
To breathe a sigh or two
I would be happy just to hold the hands I love
Upon this winter night with you

The smoke is rising in the shadows overhead
My glass is almost empty
I read again between the lines upon the page
The words of love you sent me

If I could know within my heart
That you were lonely too
I would be happy just to hold the hands I love
Upon this winter night with you


"I wonder, do we all know where we belong? And if we do, in our hearts, why do we so often do nothing about it? There must be more to this life, a purpose for us all, a place to belong. You were my home. I knew from the moment I met you..." (Beyond Borders)

Lunar Eclipse. Winter Solstice. Escapism Pt. III. Fuck, let's make this happen. Transformation.

If you are always setting your focus on the horizon and what is ahead, you will miss the little moments of beauty that happen in the details of what is right in front of your face.

“Traveling is a brutality. It forces you to trust strangers and to lose sight of all that familiar comfort of home and friends. You are constantly off balance. Nothing is yours except the essential things – air, sleep, dreams, the sea, the sky – all things tending towards the eternal or what we imagine of it.” 

“Adventure is a path. Real adventure – self-determined, self-motivated, often risky – forces you to have firsthand encounters with the world. The world the way it is, not the way you imagine it. Your body will collide with the earth and you will bear witness. In this way you will be compelled to grapple with the limitless kindness and bottomless cruelty of humankind – and perhaps realize that you yourself are capable of both. This will change you. Nothing will ever again be black-and-white.” 

Now I’ve had the time of my life
No I never felt like this before
Yes, I swear it’s the truth
And I owe it all to you
‘Cause I’ve had the time of my life
And I owe it all to you…
I’ve been waiting for so long.
Now I’ve finally found someone
To stand by me

Black Eyed Peas


"When your family calls, you make nice to them all and assure them you're fine, you're great. Then you cry in the bath, cry so hard that you laugh, then watch television till late. Who do you need? Nobody."

It would be so much worse not having you...I just want you know.
I still count my blessings every morning.

Oh, and you are loved
Are loved

Little Miss Brand New StartLittle Miss Do Your Part
Little Miss Big Ol' Heart Beats Wide Open
She's ready now for love

It's alright, it's alright, it's alright
It's alright, it's alright, it's alright
It'll be alright again

It'll be alright again, I'm okay
It'll be alright again, I'm okay
It'll be alright again, I'm okay

It'll be alright again



An INCREDIBLE MACHINE: You say your heart is broken, but if you can feel the pain from the breaking then trust me...your heart is working just fine. My heart is fine, it's my spirit that's fucking broken...

Explanation: It could only happen in space: A tiny bubble of air hangs suspended inside a droplet of water. The droplet rests in the cup of a delicate green leaf, yet the stalk doesn't bend at all.
Cosmonaut Nikolai Budarin photographed this scene on April 9, 2003. He was peering into the Russian Lada greenhouse onboard the International Space Station (ISS), and his snapshot illustrates some of the strange physics of gardening in space.

So it’s a good time to say goodbye 
It’s a good time to let it lie 
Been stumbling around in the dark 
Oh I’ve had a change of heart (!!!!) 
I thought you wanted a sad one 
But you wouldn’t have NONE
It’s time to let the light in 
I was AFRAID (!!!!!!)
I’m done with those days 
And it’s time to let the light in 

-Let the Light In (Amy Cook)

That tiny bubble of air, trapped...suspending...drowning in the bigger droplet of water...
Resting on a delicate stalk, but yet it does not bend,.
I am in space.
It's really difficult to control your feelings.
Its impossible to control the things you cannot explain.
Change is inevitable and looming precariously ahead.
This is not the time to fall apart. 


I learned to live half alive, and now you want me one more time. WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?

"I had the craziest dream last night about a girl who has turned into a swan, but her prince falls for the wrong girl and she kills herself..."  (Natalie Portman)

Black Swan 



And it took so long just to feel alright.
Remember how to put back the light in my eyes?
I wish I had missed the first time that we kissed,
Cause you broke all your promises,
And now you’re back.
You don’t get to get me back.

And who do you think you are?
Running around leaving scars,
Collecting your jar of hearts,
And tearing love apart.
You’re gonna catch a cold,
From the ice inside your soul.
So don’t come back for me,
Don't come back at all.

-Jar Of Hearts (Christina Perri)


"I like the way you’re not afraid. You got the world planned in your mind. People say you cannot do, well they don’t know..."

Sitting here, on this lonely dock 
Watch the rain play on the ocean top 
All the things I feel I need to say 
I can't explain in any other way 
I'd Rather Be With You (Joshua Radin)

"Distance is not for the fearful, it is for the bold. It's for those who are willing to spend a lot of time alone in exchange for a little time with the one they love. It's for those knowing a good thing when they see it, even if they don't see it nearly enough..."

You know it's worth it, when you have to fight to keep it.

NEW YORK CITY PART I 12/17-12/18


"Fire like lightening, burnin' up the night. A smoke horizon-won't give up the fight..."

I prefer simply to just know all the answers.

There is a reassuring safety in predictability.

It's the not knowing...

It's. So. Fucking. Hard.

But then again...

"If you know what you're looking for, than you know exactly what you will find..."

Can't have it both ways.


“If somebody likes me, I want them to like the real me, not what they think I am. And I don’t want them to carry it around inside. I want them to show me, so I can feel it, too.”

“I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons. And maybe we’ll never know most of them. But even if we don’t have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there. We can still do things. And we can try to feel okay about them.” 

I'll be the why to your because...
I am not perfect.
I know I'm worth it.
I gotta believe,
 there has to be a you
For every girl like me.

"Every Girl Like Me" (Sugarland)



This is how I see the world...this is how I see nature...expressing in a simplistic way the most beautiful versions of human emotion...

Because one tree didn't think it could be alone... 

"It's So lonely when you don't even know yourself..." -Unknown

"Loneliness add beauty to life. It puts a special burn on sunsets and makes the night air smell better"
 -Henry Rollins


Tall enough to touch the sun...

"Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth" -Buddha

"You feel your strength in the experience of pain. It's all in how you carry it. That's what matters. Pain is a feeling. Your feelings are a part of you. Your own reality. If you feel ashamed of them, and hide them, you're letting society destroy your reality. You should stand up for your right to feel your pain." 
-Jim Morrison

In order to get a better perspective...everything is smaller then it looks, just depends on your view...

"Reality is a question of perspective; the further you get from the past, the more concrete and plausible it seems-but as you approach the present, it inevitably seems incredible." -Salman Rushdie 

Expectant of greater things,
We try climbing -
And Higher;
An effort that costs us much,
Leaving us short of breath
To find only
The ground below is much prettier.
~Phillip Pulfrey, "Mountains"


"A heart that beats, an Incredible Machine. Made of blood and love and hope and lust and steam... Calling, calling, calling."

Whenever I fly alone, which for some reason I have done a lot lately, I find my brain drifting into overdrive and stumbling over a long chain of endless thoughts...It's something about being removed from the earth's surface where you really do feel mentally detached as well as physically removed from your day to day life. Of course today was no exception...Lots of things to process with life lately...and although I had one specific major thought on my mind today, as I do most days,  I let the music from the Ipod blast and my brain go...

And let me tell you: this song was rocking my world...simple. short. relevant. honest. inspiring.

An Incredible Machine.


Feels like I'm flying,
Wings made of light
Brand new and shining

Like a shot rung out through the night

Feels like i'm floating
Weightless in flight
Planets exploding as the soul and gravity fight

Lifted higher mercury skies above
Calling, water fire burning a sign of love
 Incredible Machine -Sugarland

Photos from  2a, Denver CO-Chicago IL, 12/5/10