
The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
Christopher Johnson McCandless


The most obvious of all things is beauty, in it's most natural and purest form. The least predictable of all things is time, seemingly simple but remaining immeasurable...the most honest of all things is vulnerability, the best way to live is passionately.

make sure when it's all over with, you look back and you see that everything you ever wanted you fought like hell to get, and that once you got it-you appreciated every second

in the sky nothing matters. everything else comes to a complete pause. the air is still, the clouds are beneath you and the sky stretches endless in every direction. it's infinite. you are forced into timeless beauty. prisoner of your surroundings. helpless.

all that matters in life is finding something to believe in. The lyrics in a song, the words in a book, the person in the photo, a presence, a force, an ideal...find what matters and stand for it, let it become your anthem and let it consume you. because really, when it comes down to it-nothing else matters.

I thought love mattered. I thought that I needed freedom, truth, and beauty and everything else would become apparent. I thought I believed in karma. I thought I was unshakable. Nothing that I thought...its what I thought it would be. What I know, what I need is passion-throwing caution to the wind and breathing it in like air. This is what's important.

Perfection lies not in integrity or time or beauty...but perfection is found in the imperfections of you.
to know perfection is to find peace.